Gadgets make life easier not only for us, but also for our little brothers. Instead of piles of the same type toys and gadgets that clutter up the house, an experienced owner will prefer to find the right and convenient gadget to get rid of unnecessary hassle.

Fountain drinker for cats and dogs
Animals need access to clean drinking water at all times for health and comfortable digestion. If not, prepare to regularly pull your pet away from cups, faucets, toilets or puddles in the bathroom. To ensure that cats and dogs always have access to clean water, automatic fountain drinkers have been invented. These devices are equipped with filters for purification and sensors to monitor water quality. Fountain drinkers hold more liquid than conventional bowls and keep water fresh longer.

Smart Bone

Pets and the Internet: what services can improve the life of your pet

Dogs are very active creatures, and if they do not spend their energy in games, the consequences will soon be noticeable on furniture and clothing. To solve this problem, you can use more modern pet toys – smart bones. These toys move independently on a variable trajectory using gyroscopes and wheels, respond to the pet’s touch and bite, and are made of pet-safe material. Toys are controlled manually through the application or on autopilot, interacting with the pet: they rotate, bounce, turn sharply, based on its activity and mood.

Circle shower for dogs
This device will come in handy for owners whose pets spend a lot of time outside and in the dust. Washing a dog is always a time-consuming process, which a special shower will help to facilitate. The gadget connects to a garden hose. It is a hoop, on the inner side of which there are holes for water jets. By slipping the pet’s head into the ring, you can quickly and evenly rinse the pet’s fur, with less risk of getting everything wet.

Smart cat litter box
Self-cleaning litter trays owners of pets can hardly be surprised, but litter trays that monitor the health of the cat – this is still something new. With an app on your smartphone you can track how often your pet visits the litter box and how successful these attempts are. As you know, stool problems in animals are a wake-up call for health problems. A cat can’t tell you directly about its ill health, so it can be difficult to keep track of it, and the smart litter box will help caring owners in this.

A bowl with a labyrinth
Hurriedly swallowing food without chewing often causes digestive problems for pets. For example, dogs greedily gorge themselves on their dinner and swallow too many mouthfuls of food, and then may have trouble stooling. To solve this problem and increase the amount of time the animals eat, the designers turned feeding the dogs into a game and made the bowls into elaborate mazes. It will take much more time and effort for the dog to get food from such a bowl, which, in turn, will make it easier for his digestive system. Cats will also like such bowls: the animal will lure the pieces of food with his paw, imitating the hunt.